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The page you are visiting contains 432392 names.
This page is no social or political. Tries to demonstrate the reality of universal kinship throughout human group within time, in this case, Argentinian society. Including in those alluvial like this, with total prescinding the social origin of those involved. Its purpose is scientific, therefore, and is not intended webmaster, and responsible for the database, to harm anyone or disseminate any sensitive data.
  • If you are included in this page and don´t want to, simply ask to be removed sending an e-mail.
  • You can go to the general list of sources by pressing the "sources" menu or consult the exact source of each inclusion sending an e-mail
  • If you're going to use this data base, I kindly request to cite this source as "Data obtained from".

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Familias Argentinas is registered as responsible in the DNPDP.
The National Directorate for Protection of Personal Data (DNPDP) is the monitoring body created in Argentina, for the effective protection of personal data.
It is responsible for the Register of Databases, organized tool to help us better understand and control the databases.


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