Familias Argentinas - Argentina and South America´s biggest genealogy family tree
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Benefits for registered users

You can be a bronze user just filling easelly our register form. No payments at all nor credit cards.
The benefits that you get by registering are:
  • Count ancestors tool.
  • Discount in several argentinian business.
  • Important discounts in our boutique products (calendars, photos, games, etc).
  • Search for user´s emails.
  • Newsletters.
  • Visualize the personal record from any person in the database.
  • One tree format: 3 generations.
    To see the formats, click here.

To become a silver user you must be registered and make an annual contribution above $100.
You´ll get:
  • All bronze user benefits.
  • Search for a relationship between two people.
  • and 6 tree formats (with or without photos, ancestors or descendants, etc)
    To see the formats, click here.

To become a silver user you must be registered and make an annual contribution above $300 .
You´ll get:


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